Friday, September 30, 2016

Skating Layers

This picture was shot for my Photojournalism class. The assignment was layers. The photo was shot at a roller skating rink in Greensboro NC on a Nikon D7000 with a 50mm lens. I like the picture. I think the picture is visually interesting. I like how the feet and the skates in the foreground are in focus and how the background is out of focus. I really love the Bokeh from all the lights and disco balls that always accompany skating rinks. The picture is a little on the dark side but overall I think it adds to the mood.

RCC Feature

This is a picture I took for the RCC Marketing Department for a Photojournalism assignment. This particular one had to be an on campus feature and it had to be accompanied by captions. ‘Michelle Chapman waits outside in between classes. Michelle is working towards her GED so that she can major in Early Childhood Education. She says, "I'm very excited." (Photo by Kristi Craven)’. I like how the picture turned out. She was really nice and that shows in the nice expression she has in the picture. I took the picture with a Nikon D600 with a 80-200mm lens (at 80mm).

Friday, September 23, 2016

Panning Football

This is one of my Friday Night Football pictures for my Photojournalism class. This was taken in Lexington. Lexington vs. Southwestern Randolph. I like this picture because even though it is a pan the player with the ball is still sharp. I wish I could say I did it on purpose but it was completely accidental. I wasn’t trying to take a panning picture. I was actually just trying to follow the action and forgot to change my shutter speed. I’m not glad I forgot to pay attention to my settings but I like the picture though. Next time I might try to do it purposefully.

Zombie Parade

This is a picture that I took for my Photojournalism class. We needed a series of pictures from an Event. This is one of those pictures. The pictures were taken in Mocksville, NC at a Zombie/monster Parade. I used two cameras, a Nikon D810 with a Wide Angle lens and a D7000 with an 80-200mm lens. This picture was taken with the Wide angle lens.  The event was very interesting to say the least. I enjoyed shooting it. I like how the picture turned out. I like the low angle. If it had been taken at eye level it wouldn’t have the same feel to it.